You are invited to be a blessing and transform individuals, families, and communities by providing opportunity and hope for a better future through literacy, strategic education, and empowerment. You have the power to move people from oppression to a place of hope and a brighter future.

Virtual Gala!

Join us Saturday, November 9th at 4pm (Pacific)

Benefiting women’s literacy programs

Register Today!

$100,000 Matching Gift Program

Friends of GTi HOPE have offered a $100,000 matching gift program to sponsor women’s literacy and VBS programs, as well as training for church leaders.

57% of the $100,000 has already been received!

Kingdom Investments of $500 or more have a tremendous impact.

Double the impact of your gift…

Learn more about the 2024 matching gift program…


Needed: Bibles and Christian Books

Your gently used Bibles and Christian books will bless people and ministries in South Asia.

Learn more… 

Your Impact

Meet Kumari, a typical story of a woman whose life, family, and community have been transformed by the generous donations of people like you

GTi HOPE - Icon - Waterwell
Borewells (water wells) sponsored for villages since 2009
GTi HOPE - Icon - Sewing Machine
Sewing machines sponsored for women
GTi HOPE - Icon - Literacy
Women sponsored for literacy classes over last 5 years
GTi HOPE - Icon - People
People Groups have completed 3 year project

Thought of the Day

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Together, we can make a difference for good and bring hope to the hopeless!