South Asia has the largest concentration of people groups in the world.

South Asia includes over 4,174 people groups with a population over 1.936 billion people.  24.89% of the world’s people live in South Asia. India has over 2,718 people groups and a population over 1.4 billion. (worldometer and joshua project).

Many of these people and people groups are uneducated, ignorant of basic life skills, vulnerable, and economically marginalized.

People Group Sponsor Challenge

Sponsor one or more shares of a 3 year People Group Project.  Each share is $30 per month.

People Group Project

Sponsor all or a significant portion of a 3 year people group project.

Select People Group Project on the donation form.

Methodology and Strategy for Transforming each People Group

The strategy involves a 3 year plan including:

GTi HOPE - Icon - Teaching
adults attending literacy classes featuring hope, peace, and love
church leaders trained
children participating in CBS
villages impacted over 3 years

At least 15 villages are impacted through social, economic, community, and spiritual uplift over 3 years. They receive roads and electricity if needed, and in many villages women become involved in politics and start earning money for the first time.

By having literacy classes in the first year, home fellowships are ready for leaders to teach and develop during the second year.

First Year Focuses on Literacy

  • 450 Adults enrolled in Literacy and Empowerment Courses.

  • Classes run 2 hours per night, 5 nights per week for 10 months.

  • Over 30% of students discover hope.

  • 90% of students graduate.

  • Cost of $25 per student.

  • $11,250 total cost for 450 students.

Why literacy ministry is so effective the first year

During the first year the literacy classes are conducted for 450 adults.

Literacy classes impact every dimension of the peoples’ lives – physical, social, economic, family relations, emotional well-being, and community.

As they learn to read, they also learn:

  • Basic health and personal hygiene

  • Nutrition and proper diet

  • Family relationships

  • Government programs for the poor

  • Self-help skills

  • Financial improvement

During the second year, a team of leaders are trained to develop relationships among the targeted people group.

The first year of literacy classes for 450 students has been completed in 145 people groups.

The average results per group for the first with 450 adults enrolled in literacy classes include:

  • 90% of the literacy students completed the 10 month program

  • 100 literacy students committing to teach others to read

  • Average daily wages increased 81%

  • 282 started taking baths and wearing clean clothes

  • 108 women started to generate income

Second Year Focuses on Training Church Leaders


12 Leaders trained and equipped over one year period.

3 months of classroom work includes 100 hours of study per month.

Each one month of classroom work is followed by three months of practical implementation in the field.

Leaders encourage community improvement by visiting homes, leading home fellowships, and training  others. They further develop fellowship groups started among literacy graduates during the first year of the project.

Leaders are trained to be self-replicating and self-sufficient; they usually have multiple streams of income. They are committed to a lifetime of service.

  • Goal of each leader is to visit 1,000 homes.

  • Cost of $1,000 per leader.

  • $12,000 total cost for 12 leaders.

Third Year Focuses on More Literacy Classes and CBS

  • 300 Adults enrolled in holistic 10 month literacy and empowerment courses.

  • 1,000 children attend two weeks of CBS and learn morals, truths, and ethics.

  • Cost of $25 per literacy student, $1 per child attending CBS.

  • $8,500 total cost to impact 1,300 lives.

Project Goals

  • Start 50 People Group Projects per year.

  • Train & Equip 600 Ambassadors per year.

  • Conduct holistic literacy classes for 37,500 uneducated people (aged 9 and older) per year.

  • Introduce 50,000 children to morals, ethics, and encouragement through CBS per year.

  • Total Cost: $1,587,500 per year

Total cost to transform one Least Privileged People Group through the light of literacy and the message of peace: $31,750

You can Bring Hope to the Hopeless by Transforming a People Group through the Light of Literacy, and the Message of Peace.

People Group Sponsor Challenge is for monthly gifts. Set ‘Frequency’ to ‘Regularly’.

Select ‘People Group Project’ to sponsor a full year of a project.

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