Bringing Hope to South Asia by Training & Equipping Indigenous Leaders
Proven Track Record rooted in Experience
Over 60 years experience in ministry through founder/missionary, Dr. William Scott. Our indigenous partner (native to their country) is run on the ground by indigenous leadership with 15-45 years tenure, trained and mentored by Dr. Scott and others. They work only with local partners who have proven to be accountable and trustworthy.
Donations leveraged into Self-Sustaining Ministries
All donations are invested in ministries of our indigenous partner.
Training & Equipping Ambassadors
Conducting transformational literacy classes
Assisting school expansion
VBS for children featuring lessons in ethics, morals, and encouraging songs
Providing individuals & fellowships with income generating enterprises which encourage self support
Low Overhead
We seek to keep to our policy commitment of Money for Ministries, not Organizations by maintaining a very lean organizational structure in the United States, thus keeping overhead low and allowing more funds to go directly to ministry. Currently, staff members maintain home offices and our staff consists of two full-time staff members (President and President Emeritus), a part-time secretary, a part-time social media expert, contracted accounting services, and many volunteers.
Indigenous Strategy
Initially founded and directed by Drs. William and Joyce Scott, our ministry partner is now entirely indigenous, controlled and administrated by local experts. The Executive Director is assisted by a Management Committee, whose five members have been with our indigenous partner from 15-45 years. All of them began in the organization at lower levels and have advanced to leadership positions. Our partner works with many NGOs and churches to train and equip indigenous leaders.
Grassroots Directed
Areas for ministry and targeted people groups are selected by the local NGOs and churches involved in social welfare as well as economic and spiritual empowerment. The local partners submit requests to our indigenous partner who filters and prioritizes them. Our partner provides accountability at the local level to ensure the proper use of all funds.
Indigenous ministry means the selection process, monitoring of projects, and final disbursement of funds are carried out by local leaders.
In the interest of protecting our indigenous partner, we kindly ask that you contact us to request our statement of faith.