Disaster Relief Kits and Partner Support
India is experiencing a horrific surge of COVID-19. As more states begin lockdowns to stop the spread of the virus, people will not be able to provide for their families.
COVID Relief Kits provide a family of four with basic food for 3 weeks as well as sanitation supplies and masks. These kits are being distributed by our partners in villages where adult literacy classes have already been completed or are scheduled. Our goal is to help 3,000 impoverished families. Each COVID Relief Kit is $35.
Our partner generates in-country revenue for administration and overhead expenses by distributing Scriptures. Due to the lockdowns and focus on fighting COVID, distribution levels have dropped dramatically, and our partner needs financial support for overhead. You can help meet this need through a gift to GTi HOPE for partner salary support. Any amount helps!
Thank you to everyone who has provided COVID Relief Kits for families in need and supported our partner’s staff. You are a blessing!