$100K Matching Gift Doubles Your Impact!

Friends of GTi HOPE have offered a $100,000 matching gift program to promote ministry and develop partnerships. When matched, the combined $200,000 will sponsor 5,700 women for literacy, train 36 church leaders, and sponsor 21,500 children for VBS.

5,700 women will attend our 10-month all-encompassing women’s literacy program including educational, economic, social-behavioral, family, community, and spiritual uplift.

36 church leaders will be trained in sharing the message of peace, hope, and love, changing the outlooks of thousands of people. Training includes 3 months of intense classroom study and 9 months of field work. Each church leader has a goal of reaching 1,000 families during the year of training.

The church leaders are trained to be self-sufficient and self-replicating, and they are committed to a lifetime of service.

21,500 children will attend VBS for 7 to 10 days at a local church. They will learn morals, ethics, spiritual truths and values. The change in behavior and attitude will impact their families and many will discover hope!

These projects are scheduled to start in August 2024. There is an urgent need to raise $100,000 as quickly as possible.

This matching gift is intended for new partners and over-and-above giving for our existing partners.

Please prayerfully consider making a special and significant gift, and share this opportunity with others.

We would love to meet with you individually or as a group to hear your story and share more about this great opportunity to make a difference for good.

Your one time gift has a tremendous impact when doubled:


$500 sponsors: 28 women for 10-month literacy program, 108 children for VBS, and 2 months of church leader training.

$1,000 sponsors: 56 women for 10-month literacy program, 216 children for VBS, and 4 months of church leader training.

$2,500 sponsors: 142 women for 10-month literacy program, 538 children for VBS, and training for 1 church leader.

$5,000 sponsors: 284 women for 10-month literacy program, 1,075 children for VBS, and training for 2 church leaders.

Other – any gift is doubled, making a difference for good, and bringing hope to the hopeless!

Literacy Moves her from Begging to Broomsticks

A Matching Gift Helped Helped Her Stop Begging

K. Munemma was 49 when she joined the adult literacy program in her village. She and her husband and 4 children all were illiterate and worked for daily wages in order to survive. When there was not enough work, Munemma would go to the nearest town and beg in the streets to get money for the family. When the literacy teacher first visited Munemma’s small hut to invite her to the class, Munemma declined. She was embarrassed and did not think she could learn at her age. However, after watching other women in the class, she joined and attended faithfully. She listened to the lessons carefully and slowly began to understand and read. Munemma was also taught self-help skills and learned how to gather forest products to make broomsticks. She now sells broomsticks in the town where she used to beg! The townspeople were “shocked” to see the change in her and have appreciated the way she is now working hard. She has gained confidence and is thankful to LIT for giving her “a good name” with her neighbors

Your investment has double the impact.

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